Our Commitment to Ongoing Excellence
Despite these points of pride, the current moment demands decisive action if we are to continue to fulfill our vital mission. Our current trajectory, while stable, is not desirable nor sustainable. The higher education landscape has shifted dramatically, with intensifying competition for students among regional institutions. Changing demographics are reshaping and shrinking our traditional student population, while new demands for flexible, innovative modalities transform how we facilitate learning.
The convergence of our institutional strengths, compelling mission and current challenges creates a unique opportunity for transformation. If we are to persevere and meet our founding purpose to “foster in one another creativity, critical insight, empathy and intellectual courage,” we must build on our best qualities to identify innovative ways to attract additional students and retain them through meaningful learning and transformative experiences. Ongoing societal and employer needs, emerging student interests, and rapidly evolving shifts in technology require us to reimagine how we create academic programs that enable us to provide in new ways, as our mission states, “educational opportunities responsive to the needs of our communities, state, region, and beyond.”
We have the faculty and staff, facilities, and partnerships needed for success. We have limited one-time funds we can invest to jumpstart our initiatives. In the face of ongoing challenges we will channel our strengths, energy and creativity into bold, strategic action to secure our position as a leading institution of higher education in 2030 and beyond.